Friday, 2 November 2012

My opinion of Jack Vettriano's paintings

 I adore his work because they are all elegant and sophisticated; in every painting the figures are dressed formally and have high class. This is especially seen in the painting ‘The Singing Butler’ seeing as there is a maid and butler serving the dancers in the bad weather. It adds a sense of humour to his work as the maid is almost getting blown over from the wind and there are umbrellas surrounding them so they don’t get wet although the maid and butler are. It could also indicate in some of the extremes of money which is sometimes comical. I get this impression from the painting because Jack Vettriano was brought up in poverty and could be trying to get the point across of naivety. When I look at his work I see passion of love in his work, there is a red dress which the woman of the picture usually wears and the dances are intimate and show connection; I find that this makes ballroom dancing even more meaningful and beautiful being an act of love. I love his style of painting because it looks real from a distance through his shading and proportions, and when you get closer you can see his artistic touch.  His work has inspired me to work in oil colour for my poster because I adore the rich colour and the endless tones of colour he paints. I also love the fact he has included a setting as part of the paintings which adds to the atmosphere and makes it individual as the dancers are in unusual places which aren't the typical ballroom or studio. This technique of Vettriano has got me thinking whether or not I should include a setting in my painting and if it should be of a ballroom or not, so I will continue with my experiments and research to see.

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